
vendredi 8 mars 2013

PKCS#11 tool Options

 Usage: pkcs11-tool [OPTIONS]  
    --module <arg>      Specify the module to load (mandatory)  
  -I, --show-info        Show global token information  
  -L, --list-slots       List available slots  
  -T, --list-token-slots    List slots with tokens  
  -M, --list-mechanisms     List mechanisms supported by the token  
  -O, --list-objects      Show objects on token  
  -s, --sign          Sign some data  
  -h, --hash          Hash some data  
    --derive         Derive a secret key using another key and some data  
  -m, --mechanism <arg>     Specify mechanism (use -M for a list of supported mechanisms)  
  -l, --login          Log into the token first  
    --login-type <arg>    Specify login type ('so', 'user', 'context-specific'; default:'user')  
  -p, --pin <arg>        Supply User PIN on the command line (if used inscripts: careful!)  
    --puk <arg>        Supply User PUK on the command line  
    --new-pin <arg>      Supply new User PIN on the command line  
    --so-pin <arg>      Supply SO PIN on the command line (if used in scripts: careful!)  
    --init-token       Initialize the token, its label and its SO PIN (use with --label and --so-pin)  
    --init-pin        Initialize the User PIN (use with --pin and --login)  
  -c, --change-pin       Change User PIN  
    --unlock-pin       Unlock User PIN (without '--login' unlock in logged in session; otherwise '--login-type' has to be 'context-specific')  
  -k, --keypairgen       Key pair generation  
    --key-type <arg>     Specify the type and length of the key to create, for example rsa:1024 or EC:prime256v1  
    --usage-sign       Specify 'sign' key usage flag  
    --usage-decrypt      Specify 'decrypt' key usage flag  
    --usage-nonrepudiation  Specify 'nonrepudiation' key usage flag  
  -w, --write-object <arg>   Write an object (key, cert, data) to the card  
  -r, --read-object       Get object's CKA_VALUE attribute (use with --type)  
  -b, --delete-object      Delete an object  
    --application-label <arg>  
                 Specify the application label of the data object(use with --type data)  
    --application-id <arg>  Specify the application ID of the data object (use with --type data)  
    --issuer <arg>      Specify the issuer in hexadecimal format (use with --type cert)  
    --subject <arg>      Specify the subject in hexadecimal format (use with --type cert/privkey/pubkey)  
  -y, --type <arg>       Specify the type of object (e.g. cert, privkey,pubkey, data)  
  -d, --id <arg>        Specify the ID of the object  
  -a, --label <arg>       Specify the label of the object  
    --slot <arg>       Specify the ID of the slot to use  
    --slot-description <arg> Specify the description of the slot to use  
    --slot-index <arg>    Specify the index of the slot to use  
    --token-label <arg>    Specify the token label of the slot to use  
  -e, --set-id <arg>      Set the CKA_ID of an object, <args>= the (new) CKA_ID  
    --attr-from <arg>     Use <arg> to create some attributes when writing an object  
  -i, --input-file <arg>    Specify the input file  
  -o, --output-file <arg>    Specify the output file  
  -t, --test          Test (best used with the --login or --pin option)  
    --test-hotplug      Test hotplug capabilities (C_GetSlotList + C_WaitForSlotEvent)  
  -z, --moz-cert <arg>     Test Mozilla-like keypair gen and cert req, <arg>=certfile  
  -v, --verbose         Verbose operation. (Set OPENSC_DEBUG to enable OpenSC specific debugging)  
    --private         Set the CKA_PRIVATE attribute (object is only viewable after a login)  
    --test-ec         Test EC (best used with the --login or --pin option)  

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